
Customer testimonials


Highest rating on technical know-how, technology, and performance.

Metenova has a high level of service and response. I would give them the highest rating on a scale from 1-5. They have a high level of technical expertise and they are willing and able to resolve problems if they happen.

They are also easy to get hold of and respond quickly. The zero-g mixers are easy to install and have a very high level of aseptic design. This is important to us for two reasons. Contamination of the product must be avoided so the hygienic design in the Zero-g mixer is critical for our production. The up-time in production can be affected by difficult and time-consuming service so for us, it is a big advantage that these mixers are much easier to service compared to other technologies we have had. 

We especifically like the floating bearing technology. The fact that we can change the bearings ourselves is also an advantage. The high capacity of the mixers has made it possible to move from top-mounted shaft-driven technology to bottom-mounted magnetically driven technology on our more difficult-to-mix amino acid powder applications. This has not been possible with other mag mixers due to lack of capacity so we are very happy we can move to this type of technology also for these applications. 

The quality and performance of the mixers are very good and they have passed all our qualification testing regarding cleaning, sterilization, and performance before we take them into production.


Anders Lidström, Project Engineer
Fresenius Kabi Sweden